Maya Hari, VP Asia Pacific at Twitter shares her thoughts about women leaders in the tech industry as well as the silver lining of the COVID-19 pandemic. Watch the video to find out what she has to say! READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE

Maya Hari, VP Asia Pacific at Twitter shares her thoughts about women leaders in the tech industry as well as the silver lining of the COVID-19 pandemic. Watch the video to find out what she has to say! READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE
Artiste and drama teacher Oniatta Effendi spills details on her newly-launched collection of Baju by Oniatta and tells us who she wishes she could see don her masterpieces! Watch the video to have a sneak peak! READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE
Low Chin Loo, inaugural head of Asia Pacific for EDGE Certification and former president of the Financial Women’s Association of Singapore talks about gender equality and how COVID-19 has affected it, and shares with us the advice she would give to her younger self. Watch the video to hear her thoughts! READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE
Ming Bridges, founder of clothing rental company, Rentadella, shares with us an embarrassing story she has never told anyone, things she would tell her younger self, and how she turned her business around during the COVID-19 pandemic. Watch on to listen to her stories! READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE
Tess Mackean, CEO for TalenTtrust, shares the advice she would give to her younger self and spills the tea on what she would be doing if not for TalenTtrust. Watch the video to learn her story! READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE
Trixie Khong, founder of By Invite Only, elaborates on the importance of mental wellness and the inspiration behind her work. She also tells us her future retirement goals! Watch the video to see what she has to say. READ THE FULL ARTICLE
Uma Balji set up Project Smile with the sole purpose of lending a helping hand to women in need. She shares what motivates her team and what she would tell her younger self. Watch the video to hear from her! READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE
Executive Director of Esseplore, Poh Mui Hoon, shares her secrets to success of her start-up during the COVID-19 pandemic and tell us what her absolute favourite food is. Watch the video to find out! READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE
Harpreet Bedi, CEO of luxury boutique hotel group, Garcha Group talks about the dynamics of woman power in companies and what she would have told her 20-year-self with her experiences now. Watch the video to listen to her stories! READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE
Ruth Yeoh is an Executive Director at YTL Singapore Pte Ltd and Director at YTL-SV Carbon Sdn Bhd, YTL’s in-house carbon credit and clean development mechanism (CDM) consultancy. She shares with us some of her fondest childhood memories and what shaped her today, and also spills the advice she would give to her 20-year-old self. Watch the video to see…